You are purchasing: 

Account Audit$497

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The Client shall indemnify, defend (at its own cost and expense), and hold Olivia Lawson Marketing harmless from and against all third-party claims, actions, suits, demands, damages, obligations, losses, settlements, judgments, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) which does not arise out of or relate to any negligent act or willful misconduct of Olivia Lawson Marketing.

There are many factors to a client’s marketing - product, market, price, list, demand, consumer preferences, major events - that Olivia Lawson Marketing cannot control. Therefore we do not promise and cannot guarantee specific results.
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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Is an audit right for me?
    I can provide the most value if you have an existing account that you're running ads from. If you're brand-new to Google Ads and you do not have an existing account, I recommend we chat about how else I might be able to help you.
  • I have an agency managing my ads. Can you still perform an audit?
    Absolutely! A fresh pair of eyes to objectively review your campaigns can provide many eye-opening insights.
  • What if I struggle to implement your recommendations?
    Don't sweat it. When you receive your audit deliverables you'll have a chance to decide if you want to implement the changes or if you'd rather have me do them (for an additional fee of course).
  • How is your audit different from a free online service?
    My audit service includes a person-to-person strategic discussion of YOUR business goals. My audit plan is then customized around addressing those goals. All insights provided are actionable, not mile-high fluff. Lastly, "free" third-party services, come at the cost of complete and total access to your marketing data by the app. I'm building relationships with humans, not data sets.
  • Total payment
  • 1xAccount Audit$497

All prices in USD

What's Included:

detailed look into your account setup, conversion tracking and account performance

tips to optimize your account performance and reduce wasted ad spend 

video recording of my recommendations and areas to focus on to improve your account

What Others Are Saying:

"Working with her has been amazing and has made a big difference in sales for my small business! My ROAS has increased 152% and my conversion value has increased 576%."

Mary - Fashion Apparel

"She explained everything in layman's terms. I had so many questions but she was unbelievably patient and informative."

Angie - Health & Wellness
